
This year compared to last year

It’s amazing how much can change in 365 days. 1 year ago today I went to Dr. A’s office with my friend Kyrie for what would be our final frozen embryo transfer no matter what the out come was. 10 days later Matthew and I would listen to the voicemail telling us that my Beta numbers showed a positive pregnancy. And 48 weeks and 3 days after the transfer we would hold our little miracles in our arms. 1 year ago today I was excited and scared as to what the out come would be from thawing and transferring our little snowflakes. Part of me was scared to even do the transfer because as long as they stayed frozen they were safe, but part of me was excited because I was sure we were going in the direction God had planned for our family. Matthew hadn’t been able to get the day off, but Kyrie had graciously been willing to stand in and be my support person during the transfer. Afterwards we had McDonald’s for lunch because of a superstition in the infertility community that McDonald’s french fries are good luck after a transfer. This year in honor of that superstition my parents went with the girls and I to McDonald’s to get french fries. I intend to make it a tradition that every year on the girls’ transferversary we are going to go to McDonald’s and get french fries. IMG_20180707_121023851_HDR.jpgFor 2 years we went through treatment after treatment to try and conceive our own biological children. It was so hard to go cycle after cycle with nothing but failure and not know why we were unable to get pregnant. That journey through infertility was so hard, and yet so worth it, because it was what led us to the little rainbow miracles that are our daughters. I hope anyone who reads this who is going through their own journey would see our success and be encouraged to continue on. The journey can be long, and it is most definitely hard, but it is the most worthwhile thing we have done and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It’s hard to believe how much our lives have changed in only a year, but I can’t wait to see what God is going to bring in the next.

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